Hello again, gamers! We’ve previously talked about what you can do if you are headed to enjoy your first game night. But we haven’t talked about what to do if you are the one hosting the board game night. So, let’s delve into that a little bit, shall we?
Continue readingHey ya’ll! I hope the week has treated you well. How about another interview with a member of the TCBG? Today’s subject is Hayden. Hayden has been joining us for Sunday afternoon game nights for about a year.
Continue readingDear Board Game Diary,
I love October. I wouldn’t even hesitate to call myself basic: cider, donuts, warm sweaters, and pumpkin-spiced anything. It’s all a big part of what makes fall one of my favorite seasons. It also doesn’t hurt that October contains one of my favorite holidays which is Halloween but not for the reasons you may think. Dressing up for the holiday has never been something I looked forward to but I have looked forward to the movies. I could, without any financial demands, sit in for a month-long horror movie marathon filled with all the monsters, slashers, ghosts, and ghouls one could handle.
Continue readingHello again, gamers. And welcome to another episode of A Place at the Table. For today’s topic, let’s branch out beyond the norm and ask a hypothetical question. Are you ready? Okay, here we go:
Continue readingYou crack the cellophane wrapping off your latest board game acquisition and dive into the bits with an immeasurable amount of exuberance. The fresh smell of new plastic and cardboard envelopes you as you unpack each tiny package within the box. Like a child on Christmas, a smile is plastered on your face as you feast your eyes over your new prized possession. Without any hesitation and several dropped bits, you fanatically race to the table to set it up and get the thing played before this feeling dissipates. You start, play, and then finish with the same excitement going in as you had going out. You’ve attained nirvana.
Continue readingHi, guys! It’s time for another installation of our TCBG interviews. Today, we’re talking to Kristian. He has been joining us for game nights for about a year. Without further ado, let’s find out more about Kristian.
Continue readingHello gamers! And welcome to another episode of A Place at the Table. We’ve had a nice little break as my household finished up summer and got back into the swing of things for the newest year of homeschooling for Peep and Stormageddon.
What’s on the docket for today, you ask? Let’s talk about co-op (cooperative) games . I’ll admit that here in the A.P.A.T.T. household, we don’t have a lot of co-op games. We have a couple that we pull out when we have larger groups of people over, but when it is just Number One and me at the house, we stick with non-co-op games.
There are some things that I like about co-op games and some things that I don’t like about them.
Continue readingI know it is October coming up soon and everyone is itching to get those horror themed games to the table but we have some excited new titles that are ready for some Game Night action. Check out what you can expect to see at our tables after October and all the spooky games have had their time.
Continue readingHello gamers! We’re back with another installation of our interview series. Today’s interviewee is Esther. Esther has been playing games with the Traverse City Board Gamers since the very beginning of the group back in 2013. She was the first winner of our annual Ticket To Ride Tournament. You’ve likely seen her name pop up in posts that have the group stats about plays and wins and loses.
Continue readingDear Board Game Diary,
I’ve met many through our Game Night meetups from all walks of life. It would seem that board games are the nondiscriminatory glue that binds us all. I’m reminded of this upon meeting these gamers as I get to know them more on a personal level.
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